“Your smile and teeth affect the entire shape and look of your face. A beautiful smile is your best asset for good first impressions.”
-Jason J. Kim, CDT
What an incredible opportunity to speak with a journalist at Elite Magazine about my work in oral design and partnership with Lowenberg, Lituchy & Kantor. I truly enjoy talking about my journey in this field and how important it was to become educated in the field so that I could create a more seamless partnership with dentists to provide the very best results for clients.
“Teamwork and communication between the ceramist and the dentist is key in achieving superior aesthetic results. Jason Kim (right) and Dr. Gregg Lituchy discuss a case.”
I’m also so grateful for the chance to talk about the written works Ive created to help the next generation.
“Now a legend in the industry, and with an impressive list of academic credentials, Jason has spent the last 30 years developing groundbreaking techniques in dental ceramics and lecturing across the world. He has published numerous articles and is the author of The Master Ceramist, Style Seoul, and co-author of Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry Principles and Practice, a book devoted to fundamental and advanced restorative techniques for dental professionals. “
In addition, I truly loved talking about the JJKDA lab and the incredible work being done there.
“He is also the owner and president of Jason J. Kim Dental Aesthetics, a dental laboratory with about 50 employees, located in Port Washington, New York. “I don’t oversee any of the cases, but I trained all the technicians, “Jason explained. “I developed the umbrella under which they are working. There is a specific protocol that they follow based on my philosophy.”’
This is only part 1 of our interview, and the second part will be published later this year! You can see the entire article HERE.
“There is no greater work of art than a human face.”
-Jason J. Kim, CDT